Friday, February 01, 2008

Top Orchestra Trumpet Excerpts

While this is not an exhaustive audition excerpt list by any means, it does provide trumpet players with a strong start down the orchestral audition path.
1. Stavinsky, Petroushka
2. Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exibition
3. Beethoven, Leonore 3
4. Strauss, Ein Heldenleben
5. Rimsky-Korsakov, Scheherazade
6. Beethoven, Leonore 2
7. Debussy, Fetes
8. Strauss, Don Juan
9. Mahler, Symphony no.5
10. Ravel, Piano Concerto
11. Bartok, Concerto for Orchestra
12. Stravinsky, Firebird
13. Tchaikovsky, Symphony no.4
14. Wagner, Parsifal
15. Mahler, Symphony no.3
16. Mahler, Symphony no.1
17. Brahms, Academic Festival Overture
18. Tchaikovsky, Capriccio Italian
19. Debussy, La Mer
20. Schumann, Symphony no.2
It is commonly suggested that the popular excerpts be memorized and the player be familiar with the work as a whole in order to place the excerpt into context.

A variety of recordings should be studied for each excerpt to hear differences in style, tempo and sound concept. Private lessons with an experienced orchestral player are a must for students serious about taking orchestral auditions.

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